Ocre - Filmes
Produtora Inteligente.
Daniel and Francisco invited me to develop the identity and visual system of Ocre, high-quality corporate video production company. With the differential of making great videos at a high cost-benefit, the brand positioning, "Produtora inteligente" (Intelligent Producer in portuguese) was created, whose essence of the brand is to solve the communication through audiovisual products. The graphic solution was inspired by light, which is a fundamental element so that we can see everything around us, besides the inspiration in the overlap, which represents the use of different technologies to achieve quality results. The colors were designed to give a young and inviting atmosphere, and is become one of the main characterizers of the visual system.

Graphics elements were created from the overlaps proposals on the logo.

A glass version of the logo was created for some specific pieces, representing the overlap of technologies, process transparency, brand modernity and the main inspiration, light.

Modular illustrations have been created that promote the flexibility of the application in the most different graphic pieces.

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